- Whoof-Whoof
- May09,2020
- 1265
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Sharing is Caring, right? Not every time. The food item which contains a good amount of nutritional value for you may not be advantageous for your dog. After all, you also cannot consume the same food which is good for a dog because our nutrition requirement is lower than a dog’s nutrition requirement.
The diet of your dog should consist of about 18% protein for healthy muscles and about 10-15% healthy fats for shiny and healthy coats. Though you cannot share your daily food, yes there are some food items that can be shared with your dog.
- Carrot: Yes, carrots are one of the favorite fruits of dogs. Carrots are really healthy for you and your dog. It is high in Vitamin A which is really good for the eyesight of your dog and you. During the teething period of your dog just give them a carrot they would love it the irritation like feeling while teething would also get a bit low. They are also higher in sugar and fiber in comparison to other vegetables. You can also use it as treats while the training sessions.
- Yogurt: Yogurt is a rich source of protein for yourfur-baby. Plus it contains good bacteria for the healthy dog stomach. Yogurt can be directly fed and rather than going and buying those costly gravies you can also add yogurt to the dry food of your dog as gravy. Dogs love yogurt.
- Spinach: Yes, the reason behind the strength of ‘Popeye: The Sailor’ can also be the reason behind your dog’s strength. Spinach is a green leafy vegetable that is high in vitamins and antioxidants. Antioxidants help to strengthen your dog’s immune system.
- Eggs: Eggs are considered as one of the best food items both for dogs and for humans too. Eggs are rich in protein and healthy fats which can then turn into strong muscles of your Fur-Ball.Dogs can eat every bit of an egg. The inner ingredients of the egg can be added to the kibble of your dog, rather boil the egg and then mash and scramble it in the kibble or just pour the egg into the kibble. Even the egg shell can be served with kibbles but has to be crushed or it can get your dog a choking hazard. Eggshells can boost up the calcium which is good for your dog’s bones.
- Peanut Butter: Peanut Butter is one the favorite food items of your dog. It is enriched with protein and healthy fats. It can be used to keep them occupied and can provide them with a bit of mental stimulation. It can provide them with a bit of mental stimulation. You can apply it on a lick mat which can result in a puzzle for them and get them engaged in it for a bit of time.
We have talked about what you can feed them out of your daily food items but yes there are many things that you should not feed them, otherwise, its results can be really devastating.
- Chocolate: Yes, you read it right ‘Chocolates’. Chocolate is something that almost everybody in your family would love except your dog. Chocolates are highly toxic to dogs.
Dark Chocolates contain about 43 mg of caffeine in it and just to get you informed even less than 2.2 mg of caffeine per pound can result in the death of a dog. Their heart rate can increase drastically and their lungs can lead to a failure which can ultimately lead to the death of a dog. Darker the chocolate, higher the toxicity.
- Grapes and Raisins: Grapes and Raisins are highly toxic to a dog. The toxic component is still unknown, but it can still make your dog sick. According to a report it is believed that about 13 raisins can result in the death of a dog. Grapes and Raisins result is Kidney failure which can result in a critical situation for a dog.
- Alcohol and Yeast Dough: Alcohol products can result in serious condition of a dog. If a dog consumes Alcohol the symptoms can be the following – tiredness, depression, lack of muscle coordination, low body temperature, poor breathing, vomiting and diarrhea. If a dog consumes it in high quantity then it can result in lung failure, seizures, coma and even death. Yeast Dough is also mentioned because yeast ferments and alcohol is formed in the process of fermentation.
- Caffeine Products: Tea, Coffee and any type of chocolate is toxic to a dog as caffeine is naturally present in these products. Caffeine can increase the heart rate of the dog which can further result in heart attacks and lung failure.
- Onions, garlic and chives: These can damage your dog’s red blood cells and cause anemia. In serious cases, your dog could require a blood transfusion.
So, here were some of the items which could be and couldn’t be fed to a dog. Normally you should depend on the dog food itself but can use the items listed in the list above and should not feed the items that are listed not to feed.
For more information about your fur-ball register to The Whoof Whoof.
Thank You,
The Whoof Whoof Team.